What Is An SEO Audit? How It Works For Your Website Optimization?

To improve the performance of a website first we have to do a health check of it which is simply known as SEO Audit. It is a technical audit. An SEO audit report shows the errors of a website that which can be fixed. The main motive of this audit is to improve the performance of a website in search engine results. 

Now a day's we have a lot of Search Engine Optimization audit tools available to check out the online presence of a website. This audit looks at various aspects to optimize Search Engine visibility, Reliability, and Lead conversion.

A perfect SEO audit report will help you to identify the strength and weakness of your website. 

Some of the famous audit report tools to get exact data which builds SEO Audit sheet are 

1. Google Search Console

2. Piwik

3. Majestic SEO

4. Copyscape

5. Google page speed index

6. Woorank

7. SEO site-checkup

8. SEMRush

9. Moz and more.

A complete and detailed SEO audit will give you a deeper understanding of your website. 

How does SEO audit work?

SEO Audit works with these factors:

1. On page factors like Meta tags, a length of the tags etc.

2. Keyword selection and keyword density etc.

3. Url structure.

4. H1, H2, H3 tags.

5. How is the content (duplicate or not)?

6. Image Optimization

7. Internal Linking or Navigation 

8. Site loading speed

9. Indexed Pages

10. Sitemap

11. Robots Txt File

12. Backlinks

1. On page Optimization Factors:

Meta Tags:

Meta tags are the main page optimization factor to check and improve the performance of a website in search engine results.

Title tag plays a major role to rank in search engine results. The title of the website should be optimized with the business-related keywords such as product or services you are offering. It should be 50 to 60 characters’ length.

The description tag is another meta tag which drives a customer to click and make a purchase. It doesn't play a major role in search engine ranking still it drives traffic to your website. It should be 160 characters long or less.

URL Structure:

URL’s are static and should be keyword optimized with 115 characters long or less.

Keyword selection and keyword density:

Check for keyword density in a content of your website. 1-3 % of keyword density works best for search engine rankings.

H1, H2, H3 tags:

The h1 h2 and h3 are the default heading size of the content we add in website i.e. heading (h1) and subheading (h2, h3). 

Content duplication:

Another factor which is important in an audit report of a website is check for content duplication. 

Image Optimization:

The images added to your website should be optimized i.e. check for alt tags, height, and width of an image, content around the image.

Internal Linking or Navigation:

Internal links are links that go from one page to a domain to a different page on the same domain. This explains the navigation of a website. Subdomains and domains should be interlinked.

Site Loading Speed:

The loading time speed should be accurate when a visitor clicks on your website. The website code should be optimized to improve the loading speed.

Indexed Pages:

Checking for how many pages of the website has been indexed by search engines.


Check whether there is a sitemap created for your website.

Robots Txt File:

Check whether the robot.txt file is created for your website. This contains a list of web pages to allow or disallow the search engines to crawl.


Check for a number of domains linking to your website.

These are some of the SEO factors should be taken into account during SEO Audit. Through these SEO Audit factors, a website can be optimized for search engine rankings.


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