7 SEO Offpage Optimization Techniques That Drive You More Visitors

Off page Search Engine Optimization or SEO involves tasks, that you usually perform off web pages, in order to get better search results on popular search engines. Once you have fixed the basics on your web pages and made it search engine friendly, its now time to considers the factors that might affect the overall search results.

In order to optimize your website, and to make it appear on top of the search engines, both on page SEO and off page optimization, it is equally important for you to balance the SEO process properly.

Why off-page optimization is Important for better search engine results (SER) Every Search Engine has its own unique algorithm, and they use this algorithm to assign certain rank (page rank) to each of the web pages while scrolling. But in general, each of these search engines assigns page ranks to every page, that they scroll. This is how the high ranked page appears right on the top of the search results.

Below are 7 Offpage Optimization Techniques that Can Boost Traffic to Website

1. Community Creation in Social Networking Sites

      Create a profile and become a  member of the most popular social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. This is known as online reputation management.

2. Write a Blog and Promote It 

       Blogging is most powerful ways to promote your company/website online. Start writing posts on your blog about company or website related topics. Hire a guest blogger to your blog If you are not a writer.

3. Search Engine Submission

        Submit your website to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa, Alltheweb, Lycos, Excite, etc., to get listed for free.

4. Link Baiting

        If you have copied/published another website's news or content on your blog/website don't forget to place reference as their website. This is another type of technique for link popularity.

5. Cross-Linking

        This technique is nothing but increasing internal link popularity. Link to internal pages within your site wherever necessary.

6. Ask Questions and Answer

        Participate in Answers by asking and answering relevant questions and placing a link to your website in the source section if necessary.

7. PPC Ad Campaign

         Drive more traffic towards your website through PPC. Here you have to pay for each click.

Quality is always considered more important that quantity. So, try to get back-link from top-notch websites, who command authority and earns a lot of fame and name in your industry/sector.  


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